Monday, January 16, 2012

My Sewing Space - Enjoli

Hey All,

So to kick off our Blog series on staff sewing spaces, I am here to share mine! :) I always see beautiful, clean, well organized sewing studios on blogs that I follow, but I will be sharing mine with you in it's natural state! This is a space that is constantly hosting many many projects all at one time, which means that it is in a constant state of disarray!

 So the part of the room to the right that you cannot see, houses my 2 year old daughter, Alia! :) Hence the Dr. Seuss curtains.  The part to my left houses my stuffed full fabric and book shelves! I am rapidly outgrowing this space, and so is Alia!

Not to worry though, a new house is in our future with a room dedicated to my sewing habits. But, until then, I sew away in this space and love every minute of it!

Thanks for letting me share!
Enjoli :)


  1. Welcome to blog land! I look forward to reading this blog and love seeing other's sewing rooms, thanks for sharing.

  2. This Blog thing is all new to me so any helpful hints would be appreciated. I don't have current photos of my sewing room, but I can tell you we no longer have a dining room and 1/3 of the living room houses my long-arm machine.
