Happy Monday everyone! This is Sara, and this is a little peek into my sewing room. I am lucky enough to have a whole bedroom dedicated to my sewing space and I don’t have to share with anyone. Even my husband is pretty much not allowed in this room because he seems to “borrow” my Gingher scissors for things they shouldn’t be used for!
I tend to sew all types of things and I do everything from dresses, skirts, hand bags, home dec projects, quilts, machine embroidery and even hand embroidery. I feel that I am confident enough to take on new things by dabbling in many different types of sewing as I love picking up a new type of sewing by simply teaching myself.
In my room I have an ironing station right next to where my sewing machines are, so it’s very convenient to sew and set my pieces on the ironing board to press them later. I have had only TV trays to put my sewing machines on until recently, and I was able to repurpose a table that housed a rabbit cage. This little black table is the perfect height and is super stable so I can be embroidering on my Bernina 630 and sewing on my Bernina 210 (now called the Bernina 215 model) at the same time on the same table. I love to multi-task while sewing so it’s great to have my two machines in the same place. Right next to my sewing machines I have a little end table with a draw that houses all the odds and ends I need while sewing, like quilting gloves, safety pins, and my super useful Bernina Walking foot! And on top of the table is awesome Bernina accessory case that keeps all of my sewing machine feet, accessories, needles and bobbins organized.
Another section of my sewing room is my amazing cutting table. I have always hated cutting on tables that are tradition sitting height as I have to bend down and that never feels good, especially if you have a lot of cutting to do! I think we all know what I’m talking about so I was lucky to find a gathering height table at a closeout furniture store for a great deal and it has made the perfect cutting table! It’s high enough that I don’t have to bend over at all and it leaves tons of space below the table for storage. Below the table I have a bin of interfacing, a bin of batting and a whole tub of projects and kits.
The rest of my sewing room is all about storage and it’s somewhat organized. I have a few lovely little cabinets that just have large floor tiles glued to the top that make good hiding spots for gifts and surprises for my husband as well as storage my knitting, crocheting, yarn, batting and other projects.
In the closet in my sewing room I have two bookshelves that weren’t nice enough to be out in the rest of my house but they are perfect to be filled with gorgeous fabric! The shelf on the left is just fabrics that are to be used. This includes fabrics that are given to me, fabrics I have fallen in love with at first sight, and fabrics that seem perfect for the people in my life but I have no idea what I’m going to do with them. The shelf on the right is my project shelf. Everything there has already been set aside to be used in projects and some of the projects are even cut out and some are in different stages of being put together. It’s nice to have this project shelf as I can grab things depending on my desire to cut, sew or quilt!
Activa 210 (Now called the B215) |
This is my space, it’s not much but to me it’s wonderful! If I ever move or have children soon I hope I don’t have to give up this amazing space but I would deal. Then I would just be making a mess all over the dining room able! Thanks for looking!
Say hi the next time you’re in the store!
Sara Carmen